We have all been witness to a couple of things in the past 24 hours that I would like to address. This summer there we thousands of protesters arrested over the killing of George Floyd and police brutality in this country towards people of color. Yesterday, only 13 people were arrested when a protest turned violent and illegally broke into the United States Capital.
You could go many directions with the comparisons and different treatment of these incidences. However, I continue to measure the actions in this country against equity, racism, and our response politically, socially and morally. I do not agree with the looting and burning of our cities. I do not agree with protesters storming our capital buildings known as the “People’s House”. What I do agree with is the right to gather and protest whenever an individual has cause and right to gather. We are a nation of laws—The freedom should be that these laws apply equally no matter your race, gender, ethnicity, religion, or political beliefs. This we have not achieved yet. That has been made obvious again in the last 24 hours. I made a commitment to myself to be as authentic as I can this year. This means being bold, truthful, aware, and speaking truth to power whenever I can. Please join me in making a commitment to yourself and to your co-workers, family and community that WE as 180 Degrees will continue to protect, encourage and change systems that inherently have been unequal in this country. If we are not a Nation of laws that encourage fairness and equity we are not thinking big enough about our responsibility as citizens. We need to hold our leaders accountable to equity and fairness—SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER! In Solidarity, Dan Comments are closed.
For over thirty years, CEO Dan Pfarr has been on the front lines of the human services community, working to lift-up youth, adults, and families in crisis. His focus on trauma-informed care helps shape the direction of 180 Degrees and inspire a team of nearly one hundred employees. As a multi-cultural organization with staff and clients who have suffered a life of prejudice and inequality, 180 Degrees continues prioritizing discussion and action against a system of racial injustice.
October 2024